Plett Shark Action Group (PSAG) – An aerial survey was undertaken of the Plettenberg Bay coastline starting from the Robberg peninsula to the area of Grootbank past Keurboomstrand this morning with representatives from Bitou Environmental Management and Plett Great White Shark Research.
The team conducted the survey on an EC120 helicopter, a generous opportunity granted with Garden Route local Duran de Villiers. An incredibly healthy ecosystem was noted along the coastline, an abundance of species was clearly visible, including a variety of large and small fish, different types of rays, dolphin, and several species of sharks.
Twelve great white sharks were counted amongst the sharks that were noted. This is more than generally expected during Plett’s spring season. Reasons for this may vary; there may be favorable prey in the bay, the ocean conditions and change in water temperature may be driving the sharks into the bay, and most notably a possible delayed effect of the whale carcass that was in the vicinity fairly recently.
We have also been made aware of potential sharks that have been displaced from Mossel Bay and other areas along the coastline possibly due to recent Orca predation and increased Orca interactions.
Based on previous years, we may soon see these predators migrating and leaving the bay.
The public are requested to adhere to the instructions from the Bitou Lifeguards, the Plett NSRI and Bitou Beach Control officials at all times, and to only swim in designated areas while lifeguards are on duty.
Anyone wishing to donate to this initiative to make our beaches and waters safer can do so by mailing their contact information and correspondence to PSAG on email address
*Conservation and preservation of our greatest assets; the ocean, waterways, forests, landmarks and wildlife in Plettenberg Bay, makes an ecologically and economically significant contribution to the town.
Sharks, whales, dolphin and other marine life visit throughout the year – more often during the winter months between May and October.
We encourage our residents and visitors to be aware of ocean safety at all times and be respective of our safety tools and respective to the wildlife that also visit our shores.
Released by Bitou Municipality